About Prophetic Books

18  mWho can be a God like you, npardoning iniquity and passing about transgression nfor the remnant of his inheritance? oHe isn't going to keep his anger permanently, due to the fact he delights in steadfast enjoy.

eighteen  Your shepherds bare asleep, O king of Assyria; cyour nobles slumber. Your persons dare scattered on the mountains with none to collect them.

In addition, Nahum declares the common sovereignty of God. God is Lord of heritage and of all nations; therefore, he controls their destinies.

5  mBehold, I am from you, declares the Lord of hosts, and ywill raise up your skirts around your encounter; And that i could make nations have a look at zyour nakedness and kingdoms at your shame.

6  I'll toss filth at you and atreat you with contempt and cause you to ba spectacle. 7  And all who evaluate you cwill shrink from you and say, “squandered is dNineveh; ewho will grieve for her?” fWhere shall I search for comforters for you?

sixteen  hThe nations shall see and become ashamed of all their could possibly; ithey shall lay their hands on their own mouths; their ears shall be deaf; seventeen  jthey shall lick the dust similar to a serpent, such as the crawling points of the earth; kthey shall come trembling out of their strongholds; lthey shall transform here in dread for the Lord our God, they usually shall be in concern of you.

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The Lord is gradual to anger and prolonged-struggling, jealous for his very own honor and for his people, but he is wrathful and avenging against his enemies.

fifteen  two jBehold, on the mountains, kthe ft of him who brings good news, who publishes peace! lKeep your feasts, O Judah; mfulfill your vows, nfor never once again shall the worthless go through you; he is totally cut off.

ten  dDesolate! Desolation and ruin! eHearts soften and fknees tremble; ganguish is in all loins; corridor faces grow pale! eleven  wherever will be the lions’ den, the feeding area of ithe youthful lions, where by the lion and lioness went, where by his cubs were being, with jnone to disturb?

19  there isn't any easing your harm; eyour wound is grievous. All who hear the news about you fclap their hands over you. For gupon whom has not occur your unceasing evil?

ten  mYet she became an exile; she went into captivity; nher infants had been dashed in items at the head of every Avenue; for her honored men olots were being Forged, pand all her fantastic Adult men were sure in chains. 11  qYou also will be drunken; you might go into hiding; ryou will search for a refuge with the enemy.

11  wA working day for your building within your walls! In that day the boundary shall be significantly extended. 12  In that working day they2 will arrive at you, yfrom Assyria along with the towns of Egypt, and from Egypt to zthe River,3 afrom sea to sea and from mountain to mountain. thirteen  But bthe earth are going to be desolate because of its inhabitants, with the fruit of their deeds.

two  For qthe Lord is restoring the majesty of Jacob as being the majesty of Israel, for plunderers have plundered them and rruined their branches.

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